Can You Lose Weight By Talking Nicely To Yourself?

4 min readMar 13, 2021

If you’ve punished yourself or called bad names to make you enjoy certain types of food, changing your self-talk is the first step to your health.

“Wow! I have no willpower. I can’t believe I ate it! At the rate I am going, I will never lose weight.”

“I feel fat. Why did I eat this? I’m disgusting. Well, since I’m already disgusting, there’s no point in trying. He did order a pizza and called her for the day. I will never lose weight. “

Does this sound familiar to you?

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight and love food, the above phrases might have shocked you near home. I definitely had a similar soundtrack played over and over in my head after eating something that I later regretted.

What made me feel worse was the actual experience of feeling full, despite the negative words I repeated over and over.

One thing I know for sure is that talking about it is more likely to do more harm than good. Oftentimes, self-doubt and self-loathing after a bad meal push people beyond healthy eating and self-acceptance.

Tired of repeating the sinister pattern of negative self-talk and eating? You are not alone. It is a very common experience for many men and women.

Stop thinking in black and white

So how do you end negative words by repeating that you are still singing in your head? It starts off by looking realistically at the food stumble. It is very common to straighten out the problem and make it bigger in your head than it actually is.

When you explode your food intake out of proportion, you are setting yourself up for failure. Of course, having a lot of food at dinner, especially if it’s something delicious, doesn’t fail anyone more than passing a C test.

To put the moment of nutritional “weakness” in perspective, ask yourself if this problem really matters in three months, three weeks, or even three days? If you think of a coupon as just a coupon and continue to eat healthily, it shouldn’t make a difference in a day or two.

What drives a lot of people is an all-or-nothing mentality. There is always a new meal and a new opportunity to try and use cute words and bring cute foods to the table.

You can now see the problem as it is, and the next step is to try and speak to you more nicely. Imagine talking to your best friend: you won’t say bad things to them.

The way you talk to yourself is no different. Be your best friend and start treating each other as one.

Follow these new mental recipes for you

A little self-esteem never hurts anyone. Although you are in the process of improving your physical presence through weight loss and exercise, it is very important that you accept yourself as you are right now!

One of the worst things people do is complain about their body or their condition. Focus daily on being completely loving and accepting of yourself, your body, your mind, and your soul.

When you are feeling down, try to replace negative thoughts and talk nicely to yourself. Say things like, “I love and accept myself right now. I’m doing my best and I’m proud” or “I’m perfect now in this form. I’m trying to improve myself every day.”

Your body is your friend, not your enemy

Have you felt hostility towards your body and its war? Do you think this is your enemy? Reverse that frown by making a conscious choice to treat your body with the love and care it deserves.

Try not to get mad about your extra weight, tell yourself bad things, and expect that you can change everything just by snapping your fingers.

This way of thinking is unrealistic and will likely lead to more bad thoughts and weight gain because you have set unrealistic high standards for yourself.

If you dwell on yourself negatively, you will realize how little change you feel. Words are powerful, so use them wisely.

Start moving, even if you feel uncomfortable

I know how you would feel if this floated with you. I also know that if you feel ambiguous in your pranks about how you physically feel in your body, you may not want to exercise or even move because of its physical discomfort in being in your body.

It does more harm than good and continues to prolong the cycle of frustration once you’ve hit the town for your favorite foods. Get moving — even if you are not or really want to be mental.

I started exercising in my bedroom by watching Youtube. It was in the privacy of my home, so I felt relaxed because no one was looking at me.

Watching my favorite exercises and doing them violently not only brought my body back to life, but also made me smile, laugh, and feel more excited to be healthy.

Getting around and moving is a quick way to start the process of feeling good both mentally and physically. A small start is a great start and will eventually lead to walks outside, visits to the gym, and healthy weight loss.

Imagine yourself as a gardener: your body is a tiny seed that you lean towards. Treat these seeds with love, care, and affection. The flower does not bloom at night; if the gardener does not tend to sow correctly — providing him with water, nutrients, and protection — the seeds will not grow and prosper.

You are able to bloom into a radiant flower. You already have all the basic necessities to help flowers bloom. Treat yourself to light when your world is dark

The kind words you say over time will help you keep growing. Grant yourself this kindness and watch your world transform into a field of brightly colored flowers.

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